"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work." -Jesus Christ (John 4:34)

Saturday, January 22, 2011

the GET READY and the GET SET before the GO!

   Back in the fall I was expecting to be in Mexico by now, but God's timing is absolutely perfect. The reality of "going" had not actually hit me and I would not have been ready. God has been refreshing and preparing my heart in serveral ways this month.

        First I was reunited with the other 20 missionary interns January 5-12 during training and enjoyed the blessing of hearing what God has done these past few months in their lives. People getting saved, young people getting excited about living for God, and babies being rescued are just  a few of the testimonies I heard! It was a great reminder that our God is FAITHFUL- He is MOVING in people's lives, ANSWERING prayer, and PROVIDING for us physically and spiritually.

 Dawnell Groff (who is already in Mexico) and I with the Mexican flag.

 While there for training, we were fed from God's Word at Word of Life Bible Institute's Missions' Conference. The message that God used the most in my life came from Luke 8 via Harry Bollback. It's about the parable of the sower. Some of the seeds fell among thorns and eventually the thorns choked out the fruit of the seeds. Jesus shared with His disciples that sometimes the Word of God falls on those who hear, but the Word is choked out by three kinds of thorns- cares, riches, and pleasures of this life. Harry called this group "half-hearted" and defined cares as heart aches and disappointments in this life. God showed me that I had been letting the heart ache and disappointment I faced choke out His Word in my heart and I would not bear the fruit of a relationship with Him that way. He called me to repentance (to turn around; to go the opposite direction). It's hard to admitt that my heart wasn't right before God as I hung to cares in my life; it's not comfortable. But the love of God compels me to share because He offers the same healing grace that I received to everyone and it's all about His glory!

Also during the Missions' Confernce, Matt Melville sang "I Will Go" by Steve Green. God challenged my heart and excited me about the things He has called me to. I wanted to share it here:

 Another really encouraging thing was to witness others look for opportunities to minister to the Bible Institute students and encourage them in their walk with the Lord. It was a reminder that God's call is not dependant on where we are. I love seeing God use our availibility to His ability!

My departure date has been set for FEBRUARY 17th!
God has provided for my set-up funds in full!
I'm still short $140 each month in monthly support, so I am going in faith that God will call some of His people to supply it and provide for them to do so. Going a month later gives me a little "cushion" if the support doesn't come in right away, but the funds are still necessary for me to stay there.
Thank you so much when you bring me to the Lord in prayer! I'm excited because God is answering your prayers for me as He provides for me and grows me in His grace!

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