"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work." -Jesus Christ (John 4:34)

Friday, February 18, 2011


 The Lord has been showing Himself to me once again as JEHOVAH-JIREH!

There have been different situations where He has gone above and beyond my the request of my heart. One passage He's brought to my mind a lot is Phil. 4, where Paul says he has learned how to live in plenty and how to live in need because Christ strengthens him to for it. Often when I find myself in need, I tend to pray specifically. Not that its wrong to pray specifically, but instead of just praying for God to meet a need, I pray for God to support my plan to meet the need, when really, He just might have His own way to do things. :) So, all that to say I'm learning contentment in a new way and its exciting because it means that God is continuing to sanctify me through and through!

    Recalculating my monthly support with Word of Life, I still lack about $110.00. I'm trusting the Lord with that as well because when my set-up funds are gone, I have to have it to continue to stay there. God has met every need that I have and I don't doubt that He will meet this one too in His timing and way!  

     Not too long ago I received my Rosetta Stone in the mail. I'll be using it while I'm in Mexico to learn Spanish. Yippy!
 I had my last day of work this past Saturday.

One of the girls I work with is Mexican and wanted
to make me her favorite meal before I left. She brought it into work and I had a lot of fun trying new food! It was sooo good!

This past weekend I had my last opportunities to minister in my church. Keithendra Spence and I did a midget-skit for our Valentine's Day banquet. It was a fund raiser for our teens to go to summer camp.
Also, on Sunday two of my sisters (Candice and Christa) and I sang one last time during the morning service.

      A huge blessing was came through the hands of my church family for my internship in Mexico. I was having computer trouble and they got together and purchased one for me that I could take as I head to the field Thursday. It was definitely one of those "Lord, this is way more than I asked for" answers to prayer! 

My life right now could be summed up with packing, Liberty Online, cold medicine, family, and goodbyes. It seems like so quickly I'm finishing this chapter in my life to start a new one, but I am neither worried nor afraid because I know the Author of my life is behind it and He's with me all the way! As Bilbo Baggins said, "I think I'm... quite ready for another adventure!"

- 02/15/11