"My food is to do the will of Him who sent me and to accomplish His work." -Jesus Christ (John 4:34)

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Exceeding Expectations

     Last year for Easter I was away from home, working up at Word of Life in NY. I went to a small town church and heard a message on the resurrection by Dr. Davis. J Afterwards, I ate a delicious American dinner with brothers and sisters in Christ as a guest of my discipler, and relaxed in the unusually warm sunshine on a porch swing overlooking Schroon Lake.
     This year I am also away from home. I’m still working with WOL, but in Mexico. Today I went to an incredibly early service in a small town church where I heard a message in Spanish… I’m not sure what it was about, but we sang a lot of familiar hymns about the resurrection of Jesus Christ! Afterwards, I ate a strawberry flavored corn cake, sweet bread, and had a hot, but sweet tortilla/ pineapple drink with brothers and sisters in Christ. Then, after a nap, I spent the rest of the day inside doing Liberty Online schoolwork.
     I am amazed at how much my life has changed over the past year and God has certainly exceeded my expectations. One thing that always remains the same is the faithfulness of my God! Last year had some tough times and this year is no different, but I know no matter where I am or what I'm doing, I can always face tomorrow because my Savior lives!

     Camp this past week seemed so short but it was still fun to have a part in it through working in the kitchen. Also, there was a girl at camp from GA the didn't speak very much Spanish.  Dawnell and I got to spend a little time with her and I got to share the gospel with her. She didn't trust in Christ then, but later that day she did after someone else spoke to her again! It was a certainly refreshing for me to be able to explain the gospel to someone.
     This week we have Monday off and will spend Tuesday-Friday planning and preparing next years schedule for the Christian Missionary School. Please pray for us as we seek how to best minister to the students and provide oppotunities for them to minister to others.

Random Tidbit:
Applying strawberry yogurt after a sunburn helps you not to peel... or so I'm told. :)

Monday, April 18, 2011

Are you enjoying life?

Today I received a letter from a friend and in it she asked me if I was enjoying life. Not just life in general, but every moment that the LORD provides for me. My immediate answer is “Of course I’m enjoying life… I have no reason not to be enjoying life!” But as I look back on the actual “moments” of my life, the ones God has sovereignly planned, do I enjoy each moment as it comes? My friend portrays a thankful heart for all God puts before her and I’ve been challenged to enjoy each moment God brings my way, especially moments like cleaning bathrooms, going without water in the house, teaching hyper kids, or studying something I wonder if I’ll ever use. As I trust God’s hand in my life and thank Him for it, I can enjoy the little things He uses to purify my heart!
To backtrack a little, the older students in the school went on a missionary trip performing a show and sharing the gospel in schools, parks, churches, etc. They were gone for a week and in addition to young people trusting in Christ, the student’s grew a lot being used by God!


Pictures by Dawnell Groff   

While the older students were away, I began teaching my first classes in English! The language barrier can be interesting, funny, and stressful all at the same time, but the kids are smart and we usually figure things out together. My class has five students, two girls and three boys. I love being with the kids and I’m thankful for the opportunity to help them!
Since the students in my class just finished their program in Spanish, this past Thursday we had a graduation for them! I got to help prepare the diplomas and a special picture of them with their Spanish teacher, Maria Luisa, for them to receive. It was a happy time with friends and family of the students and lots of yummy Mexican food at the end!

Today we started the first day of camp for the “semana santa” week of camp. Since classes let out a week here in Mexico for Easter, this year they decided to hold a week of camp! I love camp and seeing the things God works in people’s lives during this special time. I get to serve as a waitress this week. :)  Please pray for the campers and staff!

Random Tidbit:
Day light savings is on April 3rd… at 2:00am they turn their clocks forward to 3:00am!